公益社団法人 日本産科婦人科学会


国際産婦人科連合(FIGO)からのアンケート(Health care providers’ views on stillbirth action)回答依頼について



(Health care providers’ views on stillbirth action)回答依頼について





渉外担当常務理事 木村 正


Dear Colleagues

Further to my two previous emails below, I am emailing to let you know that the survey of care providers is now ready for your response.

It was not possible to go ahead with a Japanese translation, therefore the survey is available in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and Italian. The language displayed will be based on your own browser, or else you will be prompted to select a language to take the survey in.

Here is the new link to the survey.
Survey of care providers:

Many thanks and best wishes.

Dear Colleagues

Further to the email below, please be advised that the survey is temporarily inactive, while other languages are being added. I will advise by email when it is up and running again.

Thanks for your interest and patience.


Dear Colleagues

FIGO has been asked to disseminate a special survey to its Member Societies. The survey, entitled “Health care providers’ views on stillbirth action”, addresses stillbirth care and prevention in high-income countries.

This study is being conducted by the International Stillbirth Alliance (ISA) and Mater Research Institute – The University of Queensland (MRI-UQ). The work will be published in The Lancet in late 2015, as part of a follow-on Lancet series on stillbirths (original series published in 2011). The survey has been reviewed by the FIGO Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health Committee.
The purpose of the survey is to determine what needs to happen to reduce stillbirth and to improve care for families who experience this devastating event. This survey gives care providers the opportunity to share their experiences and contribute to identifying priority areas for stillbirth research and action. The survey will cover: Demographic information about the person completing the survey; Quality of care in pregnancy and around the time of stillbirth; Bereavement care and memory creation; Investigations to determine cause of death; Interventions to reduce stillbirth; and Language and stigma around stillbirth.

1. The survey is available in English, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch and Japanese.
2. Please note that the process of adding additional languages to the survey is ongoing, and currently not complete.
3. Please find the English version attached as a PDF (for easy review), and also available at this link:

The survey has also been piloted among clinical staff at the Mater Hospital and among members of the ISA Scientific Advisory Committee and Lancet Steering Committee. Revisions and refinements have been made and ethical approval for the surveys has been granted by the Mater Human Research Ethics Committee (Reference No. HREC/13/MHS/121).

This study is financially supported by MRI-UQ. There are no commercial entities involved in this research.

Despite increasing attention and investment in strategies to improve maternal, newborn and child health, stillbirths remain invisible in many initiatives.

We encourage all our Member Societies to participate, and to disseminate this survey widely.

Many thanks and best wishes.

PA to Chief Executive/Communications Assistant

International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO)
FIGO House, Suite 3, Waterloo Court
10 Theed Street, London SE1 8ST, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 20 7928 1166; Fax: +44 20 7928 7099
